About us


The conference is a special one for the Body of Christ, Pastors and Ministers; Prophets, Intercessors, and Christian leaders. It is an annual gathering of God's children within and outside Nigeria. It is usually a strongly anointed meeting, where believers are taught and trained to discern God's will and directions for the nations and for the Church. SOTC has proven to be a platform where God helps his people to understand current national and global issues in the light of His overall plans and purposes. The Conference is designed to bring together under one canopy, Prophets, Prophetic vessels and all who use or benefit from the prophetic ministry. It is a School for prophets in the Nations. Prophecies are an essential part of our relationship with God (Rev 19.10). From the beginning of time, God has always communicated His mind to humans by prophetic utterances. Several events in the world (up to the most current events in the world today) are clear fulfillments of prophecies. However, the gift of prophecy or the Ministry of the Prophet are one of the most misunderstood and most abused Ministries in the church and the world today.

Whenever there is no clear word from the Lord concerning circumstances and situations, chaos and confusion become prevalent. “We see not our signs: There is no more any prophet; neither is there among us any that knoweth how long” (Ps 74:9). It therefore becomes crucial for us as believers to become versatile with the dynamics of prophecy. There is the need to learn what prophecy entails, be able to discern true prophecy, and learn to grow in the use of the gift of prophecy. Most importantly, the bible enjoins us to understand and utilize the prophetic ministry. Despise not prophesyings (II Thes 5:20).

Recently, the Lord put a burden in my heart on the need to have more prophetic voices with depth in the land. In these last days, when apostasy will increase and the love of many will wax cold, it is possible that true prophetic voices will even be in short supply. We are also faced with the increase of false prophets globally. In view of the above, we felt constrained to organize this specialized conference for Prophets, Prophetic Channels, those who use the gift of prophecy, Psalmists, Intercessors, Pastors and Ministers. This conference will awaken the spirit of true prophecy in the land as well as train and sharpen the gifting of those in attendance. It is therefore with every sense of excitement at what the Lord will do, that I invite you to be a part of this gathering of prophets in the continent. This is the eleventh edition of the conference. Who knows, we might be at the eleventh hour of the plan of God for humanity? The nations and the church are going through birth pangs because the overcomer company will soon be born. This company will reign in life and exercise God's dominion over creation. This informs the theme of the Conference: Reigning in Life. Quality ministers with Apostolic and Prophetic grace have been invited to minister. The dates of the Conference are July 23rd - 26th, 2020. It is going to be an online Conference on most of the social media platforms, because of the prevailing circumstances globally.

About the Convener

Dr. Kole. Akinboboye is a Consultant in Family Medicine, fellow of the National Postgraduate Medical College and West African College of Physicians where he also serves as examiner. He is the Medical Director of ROHI Specialist Hospital and also Managing Director of PISTHIS Resources Nigeria Limited. He supervises an NGO, HELPS, which is aimed at empowering and developing a new generation of leaders among the youths. Dr. Akinboboye graduated in medicine from the University of Lagos in 1981, is an alumnus of the Haggai Institute for Advanced Leadership, Singapore and one of the National Leaders of Intercessors for Nigeria. Dr. Akinboboye was trained and called into the ministry in 1982 by prophecy through Pastor S.G. Elton, a British missionary who served in Nigeria for close to 50 years. He is the President of Voice of Adonai Ministries International. He carries a prophetic unction and has ministered in Conferences and Churches both within and outside Nigeria, declaring God’s counsel to this generation. He is happily married to Adeola and they are blessed with children.

Some of our Past Speakers

  • Dr. Kole Akinboboye
  • Pastor Deola Akinboboye
  • Bishop Wale Oke
  • Rev. Mike Oye.
  • Pastor Olubi Johnson
  • Rev Kayode Ajibade
  • Prophet Isa El Buba
  • Professor Iyiola Tella
  • Apostle Emmanuel Kure
  • Engr. Ntiense Ubon-Israel
  • Bishop Mike Okonkwo
  • Evang. Sunday Ogbuche
  • Prof. Iyiola Tella
  • Dr. Hassan Achimugu
  • Rev. ( Dr.) Moses Aransiola
  • Professor Kontein Triyan
  • Eng. Steve Olumuyiwa



Experience Inspiring Worship and Prophetic Activation. Prepare for an unforgettable worship experience that stirs your spirit and draws you closer to God's presence. Engage in interactive sessions of prophetic activation, where you can practice and cultivate your prophetic gifts under the guidance of experienced mentors and ministers. Be prepared to step into a new dimension of prophetic revelation and encounter divine encounters. Remember the Dates --- 26th to 27th July, 2024